
It’s that time of year, folks.

Time to renew your membership, or sign up for the first time. We need support from y’all to keep operating: acquiring drawing prizes, keeping the Web site and mailing lists going, and the various and sundry other little things that keep us up and running.

Dues remain $30.00.

If you are so inclined, you can mail a check, made out to SGVAUG, to:

   449 W. Foothill Blvd., #523
   Glendora, CA  91741

If you prefer to use an iOS device, there are a few options: Apple Cash, Apple Pay, PayPal, and Zelle:

Set up Apple Cash:

Send money with Apple Pay: For the contact info to use, or for any other questions, drop an e-mail to

Thank you kindly for your consideration.

About SGVAUG BlogMaster

San Gabriel Valley Apple Users Group
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