Members Only

Welcome to the Members Only page! Here you’ll find hardware and software deals, hints and tips, and other stuff not generally available to non-members. So that we may continue to make these benefits available, please do not distribute this information to non-members.

The password for the four pages listed below is e-mailed to members approximately once a month. If you are a member in good standing but are not getting these e-mails, please click this link, WebMom, and let me know.

Apple User Group Resources
Brought to you by the Apple User Group Advisory Board. Take advantage of these special offers, which should be e-mailed once a month, around the 15th.

Bill’s List
Bill is a Mac consultant based in Texas. Besides being a major cooking and foodie fanatic, he’s a font of Mac and Apple knowledge and information. Dig right in.

Discount Offers for Members
Special members-only offers from presenters, local vendors, anonymous donors, or…

Meeting Presentations
Sometimes there is so much presented at a meeting, there’s no way to keep it all in the brain. In those cases, we’ll try to post videos, slide shows, or PDFs.

More and more these days, we have to be so careful with our computers, phones, and other devices; help!! cyberBOLO to the rescue: timely hints and points for what to be on the lookout for.

Special announcement from the Board of Directors
At the group’s 2015 business meeting (the December general meeting), a motion was made, by a member, that members of the Board be eligible for one free red drawing ticket, as other members of the group are. This motion was seconded and passed by the members in attendance, and is now official.