Thomas Ritter here. After being responsible for scheduling the monthly meeting presentations for the past several years, I’ve now changed roles and assumed the office of Treasurer of the SGVMUG.
A couple of years ago, we adopted an annual dues system, concurrent with the calendar year. This means that everyone’s dues are now up for renewal. Dues are $30.00 per year for regular members and $10.00 for full-time student members. We will be accepting payment at the February 9th meeting or by mail. Checks should be made out to SGVMUG, and mailed to P.O. Box 90005, Pasadena 91109-5005.
Members receive one free red drawing ticket at each meeting, and an extra red ticket if they bring a guest. We also are reorganizing the “Members Only” area on the SGVMUG Website, and will be sending more information about this in the next few weeks. This password protected area will include information about exclusive dealer discounts, news and feature articles, and other special offers.
Another resource for members is our “MacTalk” mailing list, where all topics, questions, or problems relating to Macintosh computers and applications can be posted and discussed among our diverse membership. Be sure to check our website regularly for more information.