Backup Options and Strategies
Back up, so you can get back up
You do remember the 2nd Commandment from last month’s presentation, don’t you?
This month, you’re gonna find out ways to chose different options and strategies for your situation. Having a consistently-executed plan of regular backups is very important. It is not a question of if you will need it, only when.
We will be discussing types of backup media, keeping legacy backups up to date, hardware choices, and the different forms of backups. Included will be: local backups, file-by-file backups, incremental backups, data-only backups, history backups, full backups, clone backups, offsite backups, cloud backups, and backup services. Last but not least, we will cover backup security. Q & A discussion will be included; the only dumb question is one not asked!
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Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing includes a Fantom Drives Mini USB 3.0/2.0 portable 500 GB 2.5″ hard drive. Don’t forget: members receive one free ticket for our drawing. Bring a guest and get another free ticket! Support our group and increase your chances of winning some goodies – drawing tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The odds are great that you can be a winner!
The meeting will be held at the Pasadena Public Library Main Branch Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Following the general meeting, we have our informal Meeting after the Meeting at Coco’s Restaurant, 77 N. Lake Ave. (between Colorado Blvd. and Holly St.).