Introduction to YouTube
Hints and Tips
Hosted by Scott Harrell & Dave Whitby, we will show you how to tap into the second most popular destination on the Web (after Google). We will show you how to:
1. Easily load videos to YouTube from your Mac or iOS device
2. Create your own YouTube channel
3. Subscribe to programs on YouTube, based on your own interests (example – Jay Leno’s Garage)
4. Make screen-based videos with voice-over narration
Plus – Four Secret Insider Hidden Features of YouTube that you probably don’t know about
Regular Features
Apps & Traps – Our essential monthly feature on interesting new products and services for iOS and OS X, brought to you by Dave Whitby.
Apple News & Updates
Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing includes Tropical Software’s TopXNotes for OS X and iOS, a copy of YouTube: An Insider’s Guide to Climbing the Charts, a SIIG TouchStylus, a tote bag from Yellow Jacket Cases containing the Pit Bull protection key chain, a Specks case for iPhone 5, at least another prize to be named later (stay tuned!). Don’t forget: members receive one free ticket for the drawing. Bring a guest and get another free ticket! Support our group and increase your chances of winning some goodies – drawing tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The odds are great that you can be a winner!
The meeting will be held at the Pasadena Public Library Main Branch Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Following the general meeting, we have our informal Meeting after the Meeting at Coco’s Restaurant, 77 N. Lake Ave. (between Colorado Blvd. and Holly St.).