GarageBand, Part 2
More Music for Everyone
You asked for it, you GOT it! Last month, we demonstrated the GarageBand interface, recording real instrument tracks (vocals), MIDI instrument tracks (keyboard), and working with loops. On the iPad side, we played with the smart instruments (guitar, keyboard, strings). !!!!!
This month, we will continue our coverage of GarageBand. We will briefly cover the podcasting and movie-scoring capabilities of the wonderful GarageBand program and then use the second half of the presentation for HANDS ON practice in making a short piece of your own. Bring your laptop or iPad, and a pair of headphones, with you for a fun learning experience!
Regular Features
Apps & Traps – Our essential monthly feature on interesting new products and services for iOS and OS X, brought to you by Dave Whitby.
Apple News & Updates
Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing includes a Samson Meteorite USB microphone, an iRest, a 10 pack of Memorex DVD-Rs, and a 4″ x 6″ pack of Epson Premium Semi-gloss photo paper. Don’t forget: members receive one free ticket for our drawing. Bring a guest and get another free ticket! Support our group and increase your chances of winning some goodies – drawing tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The odds are great that you can be a winner!
The meeting will be held at the Pasadena Public Library Main Branch Auditorium at 7:00 p.m. Following the general meeting, we have our informal Meeting after the Meeting at Coco’s Restaurant, 77 N. Lake Ave. (between Colorado Blvd. and Holly St.).