Ron Streicher, President
Chair, Membership Development Working Group
You may find him on or by the stage, or helping out anywhere. |
Jesse ‘Bud’ Keville, Vice President
Assistant Chair, Drawing Management
bud.keville@sgvaug.org (626) 576-7371 |
Al Richardson, Director
Chair, Drawing Management Working Group
al.richardson@sgvaug.org (626) 358-2231.
You’ll usually find Al somewhere near the prizes at the sign-in desk. |
Thomas Ritter, Treasurer (Resident photographer)
thomas.ritter@sgvaug.org (323) 254-2355.
Smile when you see him. We love great pictures for our site. |
Billy Chang, Director & Program Committee Co-Chair
billy.chang@sgvaug.org (626) 827-7863.
You’ll often find him front row, stage right, on the ready for Q&A. |
Andrew Zima, Secretary & Web Editor
andrew.zima@sgvaug.org (626) 376-4483.
You’ll usually find him front row, stage right, ready to help with Q&A. |
Gautam Godse, Director
gautam.godse@sgvaug.org (626) 608-7770. |
Sean McKinley, Director
sean.mckinley@sgvaug.org (626) 355-7407.
You will find Sean up front and to the left ready to help. |
Scott Harrell, Director
Chair, Promotions and Publicity
Scott is our in-house designer
scott.harrell@sgvaug.org (818) 515-9870. |
David Whitby, Director
David is a frequent and knowledgeable contributor to our meeting presentations.
david.whitby@sgvaug.org (310) 993-4416. |
Ben Ritter, Director & Webmaster
ben.ritter@sgvaug.org (818) 641-6828. |