Photos can take you places!
On TidBITS this morning, Donald C O’Shea had this to say on the subject:
On a recent trip to Barcelona, my wife and I saw two T-shirts in a shop window: the Muppets as Reservoir Dogs and Cookie Monster in The Scream. Through the shop’s rain-streaked window, I took pictures of the shirts to send to our daughter, a puppeteer and a fan of the Muppets.
Later in the day, we decided that those T-shirts would make great Christmas presents for our daughter and granddaughter. But we had walked long enough and far enough in the meantime that we had no idea where the shop was located. We wandered around the area, searching for it in vain. Then I remembered the pictures I had taken of the T-shirts.
He continues on how they got back to the T-shirt shop: Places, Please! Geolocation in Apple’s Photos.