The Board of Directors of the SGVMUG has declared that the December 15, 2008 general meeting shall be the Annual Business Meeting during which an election will be conducted to determine the members of the new Board of Directors and to approve the revised Bylaws of the Group. All Members in Good Standing are urged to attend this meeting and cast their votes. The winners of the election will be determined by a simple majority of the votes cast and announced at the end of the meeting.
There are eleven candidates for the Board of Directors:
The biographical statements of the candidates follow at the end of this document.
In preparation for filing an application for status as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization, the Board of Directors also has revised the Bylaws of the Group; this requires a vote of ratification from the Membership. The text of the revised Bylaws follows:
of the
ARTICLE I – Name, Status and Place of Business
A. Name and Territory — The name of this organization shall be San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group, hereinafter referred to as the SGVMUG. It shall serve members in the communities of the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California.
B. Not-for-Profit Status The SGVMUG shall be an independent organization, not an affiliate or chapter of any other organization and shall not exist to create a monetary profit for any individual or organization; no funds earned or raised by the SGVMUG shall inure to the benefit of anyone other than its collective membership in furtherance of the purposes outlined below.
C. Place of Business — The principal place of business of the SGVMUG shall be located at the office or home of the duly elected President or at such other location as its Board of Directors may determine within the territory as stated in Article I, Section A of these Bylaws.
ARTICLE II – Purposes
A. Purposes — The SGVMUG shall be an association of individuals dedicated to assisting its members in deriving maximum benefit and enjoyment from the use of their Macintosh and Macintosh-compatible computers by: 1) providing a forum for sharing information and experiences; 2) developing and disseminating pertinent information on computer technology and applications; 3) providing opportunities for continuing education; and 4) other activities or services as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE III – Membership
A. Membership shall be open to all individuals who regularly use or wish to learn about computers in general, and Macintosh-compatible computers in particular. Membership shall be contingent upon the affirmative vote of the Board of Directors and regular payment of dues. All members shall enjoy full voting privileges.
B. Any person by whose actions or conduct is deemed by the Board of Directors to be disruptive to the operations or activities of the SGVMUG shall, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board be denied the privileges of membership.
ARTICLE IV – Board of Directors
A. Board Membership — The business and property of the SGVMUG shall be managed by a Board comprised of no fewer than seven nor more than twelve Directors, all of whom shall be Members of the SGVMUG.
B. Elections and Terms of Office —
1. Directors shall be elected by a majority of the voting members of the SGVMUG present at its Annual Meeting (refer to Article VII, Section A).
2. The term of office for Directors shall be two years.
C. Vacancies — Vacancies which occur may be filled by appointment by the President, upon confirmation by a majority vote of the Board of Directors; appointees shall serve for the balance of the Fiscal Year. To continue on the Board, persons so appointed must stand for election at the next Annual Meeting.
D. Meetings of the Board of Directors — The Board of Directors shall meet at least six times per year.
E. Quorum — A majority of the elected Directors shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
F. Missed Meetings — A Director who misses three consecutive Board meetings without advance notice or excuse given to the President, shall be considered to have resigned.
G. Limitation of Terms —
A Director shall not serve more than three consecutive terms. A one-year interval shall be required before a Director who has served three consecutive terms is entitled to re-election as a Director.
ARTICLE V – Officers
The Board of Directors shall elect from among the duly elected Directors a President, one or more Vice Presidents (one of whom shall be designated as the First Vice President), a Secretary and a Treasurer. Election of officers shall be conducted annually at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following the Annual Meeting of the membership.
A. President — The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Membership; shall give leadership to the affairs and activities of the organization; and shall serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall appoint the chairs of all committees, subject to approval by the Board of Directors and shall vote on issues only when his/her vote is necessary to break a tie.
B. First Vice President — The First Vice President shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Presidency in the absence of the President. The First Vice President shall succeed to the presidency if the President is unable to finish his or her term of office. The First Vice President shall serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee, and may serve, upon appointment by the President and approval by the Board of Directors, as Chair of any committee.
C. Vice Presidents — The Vice Presidents shall provide leadership for such committees or activities as may be designated by the President or the Board of Directors.
D. Secretary — The Secretary shall be the official recorder and custodian of the records of the SGVMUG. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all business meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors, which shall be an accurate and official record of all business transacted. The Secretary shall execute all official correspondence of the SGVMUG upon authorization of the Board of Directors.
E. Treasurer — The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of the SGVMUG. The Treasurer shall supervise the receipt of all funds, deposit them in a bank or other repository approved by the Board of Directors and pay out funds in accordance with an adopted budget and/or policies approved by the Board, obtaining Board approval of expenditures in excess of established guidelines. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the financial administration of the SGVMUG, shall submit periodic reports on the financial status of the SGVMUG to the Board of Directors and shall submit a financial statement to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
ARTICLE VI – Committees
A. Executive Committee — The Board of Directors may designate its officers to serve as an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, under the guidance of the President, shall have such duties as delegated to it by the Board of Directors, and shall be empowered to act on behalf of the Board of Directors in the interim between meetings of the Board in accordance with instructions of the Board, but shall not relieve the Board of Directors of the primary responsibility to manage the business and property of the organization.
B. Membership Committee — The Membership Committee shall consist of not less than three members and be Chaired by the First Vice-president. The Committee shall review all applications for membership prior to submission to the Board of Directors for approval.
C. Other Committees — The President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint the Chairs of all other committees as are deemed by the Board of Directors to be appropriate to conduct the business of the SGVMUG. Actions of all committees shall be subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors.
D. Committee Structure and Membership — Whenever possible, committees shall be chaired by Directors. Committee Chairs may recruit members (who are not Directors) to serve on their committees. Such members may serve on committees with no limit of terms, but a normal rotation of committee membership is desirable.
E. Nominating Committee — The Chair of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall consist of not less than three members in good standing. All nominations must be expressly approved in writing (or via e-mail) by the nominee.
1. Call for Nominations — A Notice of the upcoming Election and a Call for candidates for nomination as Directors shall be published on the SGVMUG Website and sent via e-mail to the general membership prior to the October General Meeting.
2. Publication of Slate — Prior to the November General Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall publish on the SGVMUG Website and send via e-mail to the general membership a proposed slate of nominees for Directorships.
3. Nominations from the Membership — Additional nominations must be submitted in writing or via e-mail to the Nominations Committee, and must be confirmed in writing (or via e-mail) by the nominee. Such nominations must be received by the close of the November General Meeting.
4. Election at the Annual Meeting — The final slate of all nominees shall be published on the SGVMUG Website and sent via e-mail to the membership in advance of the Annual Meeting. All nominations made by these procedures shall be presented for election at the Annual Meeting. The election shall be conducted by secret ballot. A majority of votes cast by the voting membership present at the Annual Meeting shall determine the winner(s) of the election.
ARTICLE VII – Meetings of the Membership
A. Annual Meeting — The Annual Meeting of the SGVMUG shall be held at the regularly scheduled General Meeting in December of each year.
B. Regular Meetings — Regular meetings of the membership shall be held at least ten times per year, on dates to be determined by the Board of Directors. These meetings shall be open to all who wish to attend, irrespective of membership status.
C. Special Meetings — Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee at any time, and shall be called by the Executive Committee upon the petition of not less than fifteen of the voting members of the SGVMUG.
D. Quorum — Ten voting members of the SGVMUG, of which at least two shall be members of the Board of Directors, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting official business at a membership meeting.
A. Annual Dues — Annual membership dues shall be established by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE IX – Miscellaneous
A. Contracts — Subject to the provisions of these Bylaws and applicable laws, the Board of Directors may authorize any officer, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the SGVMUG. Such authority may be general or confined to specific instances, and unless so authorized by the Board of Directors, no person shall have any power or authority to bind the SGVMUG by a contract or to pledge its credit or to render it liable for any purpose in any amount.
B. Checks, Drafts, Etc. — All checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness, issued in the name of or payable by the SGVMUG, shall be signed or endorsed by such person or persons and in such manner as from time to time shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors.
C. Fiscal Year — The fiscal year of the SGVMUG shall be January 1 through December 3l.
ARTICLE X: Indemnification of Directors or Officers
Directors and Officers of the SGVMUG shall, as incident to their office, be entitled to indemnification to the fullest extent provided in the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law.
ARTICLE XI – Parliamentary Authority
The Parliamentary Authority for all meetings of the SGVMUG shall be Robert’s Rules of Order (revised 1990 edition).
ARTICLE XII – Amendments and Review
A. Amendments — These Bylaws shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors at least once every 5 years. Proposed revisions and/or amendments shall be published in November on the SGVMUG Website and distributed via e-mail to the voting membership prior to the Annual Meeting — or at least thirty (30) days prior to a Special Meeting called by the Board of Directors for this purpose. These proposed revisions and/or amendments shall then be voted upon at the Annual Meeting or Special Meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the ballots cast by voting members present at that meeting shall be required for approval. Such revisions or amendments shall become effective thirty (30) days following approval by the Membership.
Computer sales specialist with DiNo Computers in Pasadena, Billy also is an independent computer consultant. A member of the Board of Directors of the SGVMUG for several years, Billy has made numerous presentations at our meetings.
Fredric Fletcher is the Assistant General Manager of Burbank Water and Power, a municipal utility for the city of Burbank, California. Mr. Fletcher leads the power supply program, system operations, wholesale marketing and commercial fiber network services and is developing a Smart Grid Network for the utility for the control and monitoring of electricity at the point of utilization in real time. Fred has held this position since 1986 and has lead many projects and organizational change for the utility over the years.
He is a register electrical engineer in California and South Dakota. He graduated with an MBA from the University of South Dakota and a BSEE from South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Prior to Burbank Water and Power Mr. Fletcher lead power system operations for Missouri River Energy Services in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and was a Distribution Engineer and Meter Superintendent for Black Hills Power in Rapid City, South Dakota. Mr. Fletcher has worked in the utility industry since 1974. He has also held technical positions in a two-way radio service station and television production for two broadcast stations.
He is currently serving his first term on the Board of Directors of the SGVMUG.
Our own “switch hitter†was featured in one of these campaign ads by Apple Computers. Guautam has been a long-time member of the Board of Directors of the SGVMUG and has given us numerous presentations, including the new “Tips and Tricks†feature that opens each meeting.
I first used a Mac in January, 1985 at a job at a software mail order company in Santa Barbara, California. I had the privilege of learning all about personal computers, graphic design and desktop publishing as a result of that job.
The Mac, and by extension, Apple, has become an integral part of my professional and personal life for nearly a quarter of a century now. I have evolved with the industry. My knowledge and expertise have expanded along with the technology. I have personally owned 11 or 12 different Mac models, and have operated or worked on nearly every model and operating system since the original systems came out. Some favorites : SE/30, Mac IIci, PowerMac 8500, Blue & White G3, G5 tower, iMac G5 or Intel iMac, and of course the new MacBooks are awesome.
These days, I am comfortable integrating my love of Mac into the world of business and commerce. I would like to renew my support and commitment by contributing to the board – I want to be of service and to give something back to the community that means so much to me – the Mac community.
Although I am very busy with my own business as well as family commitments, I want to continue to give of my time, energy and resources to serve the board and the needs of the Mac community here in the San Gabriel Valley.
Computer experience on Apple since 1975 and on IBM main frames for 37 years. Chairman, Secretary & Treasurer positions SGV Apple Club. Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer positions SGVMUG. BS degree in Chemical Engineering, University of Michigan. MS degree Syracuse University. Member of CalTech Sigma Xi. Employed by Union Oil 2 years, Carrier Corp. 10 years, Aerojet 28 years where I retired as Chief Engineer 1990. Active in the United States Power & Sail Squadrons (boating education) for 41 years including Commander of the local Squadron. Senior Member, Amer. Institute of Chemical Engineers: Chairman & other positions over 60 years. Associate Fellow of Amer. Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics: many positions for 45 years include Chairman of the National Thermophysics Technical Committee, three terms as founding Chairman of the San Gabriel Valley Section, and chaired other committees including Career Enhancement.
I’m a fix-it guy. Spent 40 years working & sailing on my 30 foot sail boat, maintaining the house and car, and keeping track of everything on my computer. HAM Radio license KE6ASN.
It amazing, that in January it will be 20 years since I started using the Macintosh. My first system was a discontinued Mac Plus I bought for around $900.00 from Personal Support Computers in Santa Monica.
Some time later Wally Qua invited me to attend a meeting of the SGVMUG. I’ve been a member since the early 90’s.
My service started when I volunteered to help distribute the Newsletter. I was then asked to attend a Board of Directors meeting and soon was elected to the Board.
Education: Music & Mechanical Engineering
Professioinal Careers:
• Professional Musician – Hawaiian Steel Guitar (1938-41)
• Staff – Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1942-73)
• Co-founder; Technology Training Corporation (1974-90)
• Consultant: Oral Communications and Parliamentary Law (1990 -To Date)
• Executive Director: Technical Marketing Society of America (1994-98)
Associations Memberships:
• Toastmasters Int’l: Distinguished Toastmaster & Past International Director, (1957-To Date)
• National Speakers Association: Past LA Chapter VP and Director (1974-To Date)
• American Institute of Aeronautics and astronautics: Past LA Section President 73-4 and
Region VI Deputy Director- Education, Associate Fellow (1944-To Date)
• Institute for the Advancement of Engineering: Fellow (1971 – To date)
• American Institute of Parliamentarians: Past Intl VP (1979 – To Date)
Computer Interests:
• Purchased “MAC-Plus†1980
• Current IMAC & Power Book Computers
• Joined SGVMUG in 1991
•• Program Director 7/93 – 3/98
••President 4/1998 – 2/2000
•• BoD 2/2000 – to date
Assistant treasurer & Drawing Coordinator
I’ve been a mac user all of my life. In the last few years, I have become more experienced with Linux as well. I also have a fair amount of networking and server experience. I currently work for a school district, as one of three Mac techs. My duties include solving both hardware and software challenges, and imaging large quantities of computers (my record is about 80 MacBooks in one day).
I feel that with my youth, I could bring my interest and experience in Apple technology to the group. As a result, I am eager to stand for nomination of the Board of Directors.
I’ve been involved in photography since I was 14. That’s what led me to Macs and Photoshop in 1993. My first Mac was a “pizza box” shaped “LC”, loaded with Photoshop 3.
I work for Caltrans in the Graphics Department located in downtown Los Angeles. As an “Audio-Visual Assistant”, I photograph everything from “Grip and Grin” award presentations and portraits, to construction shots and aerials. I also assist our resident “Video Specialist” as needed.
I’ve been on the SGVMUG Board for approximately more than 5 years, and have been scheduling the monthly presentations as “Program Director.â€
On the Board, we are always looking for new Board Members, so let me take this opportunity to fully endorse my son Ben Ritter. I may be able to take some credit for getting him started in computers, but he has “grown up digital” and in many areas has passed me up. We need his vitality and expertise on our Board, and I ask you to support him as well.
Ron Streicher is currently serving as President of the SGVMUG; he previously served nine years as Treasurer, and has been a Board member since the mid-1990s.
Professionally, Ron is an independent audio recording engineer specializing in live concert recording and production. Among his clients have been the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Aspen Music Festival and School, National Public Radio, Angel Records, and numerous musical organizations throughout the United States.
His book The New Stereo Soundbook, now in its third edition, has garnered world-wide acceptance as a standard reference text on audio recording and production.
In addition to the several presentations he has made to general meetings of the SGVMUG, Ron has developed international recognition as a guest lecturer on audio-related topics.
Andrew has a background in computers and multimedia which includes training in both traditional and digital media. He currently has certificates from the Los Angeles Regional Occupational Program in TV Productions/Operations and Industrial Photography. Has been a member of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers student chapter at PCC and the Press Photographers Assoc. of Greater Los Angeles.
He was certified as an Apple Product Professional while working as a seasonal employee for Apple thru Marketsource.
Currently a member of the San Gabriel Valley Mac Users Group he has served as a meeting presenter, done software reviews, been newsletter editor, and Board of Directors member. In addition to the volunteer work he does Macintosh-based troubleshooting, support, and tutorials.