by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker
What’s Here:
01 MUGs On Facebook: Wearable Tech, rumors, rolltop laptop, dedication to Robin Williams and more
02 InfoManager: Wearable Technology news, views and reviews 1408-18
03 UGNN Phishing Report: August and Back to School Phishing alerts
04 iPhone InfoManager: August Rumors again
05 Fifteen Secretly-Hidden Features of Mac
06 Ten Mac OS X Productivity Hacks
07 Atsumeru – the iOS GIF and Reaction Image Management App
08 Change the default search engine on iOS and OS X
09 PromptSmart for iOS
10 All-In-One Mobile 3D Modeling App rivals 3D workstation software
11 Quotes: Albert Schweitzer, BF Skinner and Frank Tibolt
01 MUGs On Facebook: Wearable Tech, rumors, rolltop laptop, dedication to Robin Williams and more
We enjoy cruising the Facebook Groups to see what’s going on around the world. Currently we can only find about a dozen computer user groups out there… if you know of others, please let us know… anyway, we saw these on Facebook last week…
[_] How to turn your iPhone into an instant Wi-Fi hotspot
[_] Facebook Color Scheme Scam returns: don’t be fooled
[_] Jewish Calendar, Hebrew Date Converter, Holidays
[_] SSD Prices Hit Sweet New Low of $0.50/GB
[_] Apple – iPad Air – TV Ad – Your Verse
[_] Guy Kawasaki: Looking for User Groups?
[_] The world’s oldest wearable tech?
[_] A Rolltop in your future?
[_] Robin Williams… and more
02 InfoManager: Wearable Technology news, views and reviews 1408-18
We’re surfing the waves of the latest buzz on wearable technology! Glasses, rings, watches, bands, and more – even Obama gets a little golf help with the latest wearable tech – when the big news is rolling, the InfoManager will be there:
[_] Making bearable wearables: Introducing the Wearable Tech Fashion Competition
[_] The history of wearable tech kicked off in the 1660s with an abacus ring
[_] Michael J. Fox Foundation on wearable tech for Parkinson’s patients
[_] Wearables going mainstream – poised for a privacy nightmare?
[_] How wearable tech may disrupt the charity sector
[_] Where do you want to wear your wearable tech?
[_] When Don Draper met wearable technology… and more!
03 UGNN Phishing Report: August and Back to School Phishing alerts
Kids getting duped, EZ-Pass scams, fake friends, and a new Facebook Video phish – there’s trouble everywhere you go online! It’s all in the InfoManager this week…
[_] Don’t be fooled by fake friends’ phishing for your personal info
[_] Phishing campaign lures victims with offer of IRS refund
[_] Spider Under the Skin Video: is really a phishing scam
[_] Phishing Attackers Imitate Popular Bitcoin Web sites
[_] Justin Timberlake Iceland Concert Bait in Phishing
[_] Preparing Kids for Cyber Jobs and Cyber Warfare
[_] Is EZ Pass contacting you? It may be a scam… and more!
04 iPhone InfoManager: August Rumors again
Here we go – getting closer to the big September 9th Apple rollouts – the rumors are hot and heavy… two new iPhones, iPhone Air, a burned teen and even a cardboard 3D viewer… it just keeps getting better and better when you’re following the UGN iPhone InfoManager…
[_] The 85 best iPhone games: Great gaming apps for iOS tablets and smartphones
[_] TMZ passes cheap Android clone off as iPhone 6 – and CNBC fell for it!
[_] iPhone 6: A Big Screen Is Nice, But The Bigger Battery Is Necessary
[_] Will a larger-screened iPhone 6 still fit comfortably in one hand?
[_] The iPhone 6 And iWatch Will Be Vital To Apple’s Big “Data Play”
[_] Teenager who fell asleep on his iPhone 5 is scarred for life
[_] Here’s How To Identify Battery Draining Apps On iPhone
[_] iPhone Air release date rumours, specs, leaked photos
[_] Use the Google Cardboard VR headset with an iPhone
and more…
05 Fifteen Secretly-Hidden Features of Mac
In another Lifehack article, we have 15 features that they say are hidden from users.
06 Ten Mac OS X Productivity Hacks
This article was posted on Lifehack by Triss Husey.
07 Atsumeru – the iOS GIF and Reaction Image Management App
Aizuwakamatsu, Japan – Independent software developer Sascha M Holesch has announced the newest update of Atsumeru for iOS, which had been approved for release in all regions. Atsumeru was made specifically to help users manage animated GIFs and other reaction images for private viewing as well as for later sharing with others.
08 Change the default search engine on iOS and OS X
Since the first iPhone, the default search engine has been Google. But it doesn’t have to be.
09 PromptSmart for iOS
PromptSmart, a new teleprompter app available for iPad and iPhone has launched is the first voice-guided public speaking aid with VoiceTrack proprietary voice recognition technology. VoiceTrack is a breakthrough in mobile voice recognition technology. It seamlessly follows spoken words and pauses during a speech, adjusting the speed of scrolling text in real time based on the speaker’s actual words and pace.
10 All-In-One Mobile 3D Modeling App rivals 3D workstation software
Rivaling 3D software designed to run on desktop and notebook computers, Verto Studio 3D is a powerful and feature-rich app that combines sophisticated 3D modeling with an easy-to-use user interface. Version 2.0.1 boasts a new cutting-edge shader engine, including user-editable custom shaders that allow professional game developers to create professional-grade renderings, shaders, and 3D artwork.
11 Quotes: Albert Schweitzer, BF Skinner, and Frank Tibolt
Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.
– Albert Schweitzer
The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.
– BF Skinner
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.
– Frank Tibolt
…and have a great week!
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Currently working primarily with the Cowtown MUG of Ft. Worth but also works with the Apple Corp of Dallas and is a lifetime member of TUMS, the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society.
Fred has been active in UGs since 1986, first the AOL UG Forum, then the User Group Network. He spoke at the original AppleWorld in 1987, and served as Apple User Group Advisory Board Member for three years. He founded the User Group Academy and the Appleseeds Foundation
© 2014, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!