by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker
01 User Groups on Facebook August 1
02 Online Sexual Predator Sentenced to 29 Years
03 Truly ephemeral, encrypted, screenshot-protected messaging now available
04 Go For Facebook
05 Educate yourself on Hard Disk and Solid State Drive Problems
06 Expert collages and posters created in simple clicks
07 Filemaker users get new forums, community
08 Mac OS X Barcode Creator Goes Postal
09 Reflector 2
10 First DIY Integrated Wireless Video Surveillance System
11 An Effective New Way to Add Instagram and Twitter Followers
12 Quotes: Dolly Parton and George Halas
01 User Groups on Facebook August 1
Here is some more great content items posted by user group members on Facebook! If you’re not already with us, please feel free to jump in…
* IBM could purchase 200,000 Macs annually
* Windows 10 is spying on almost everything you do – here’s how to opt out
It’s a good idea if you log into your Facebook account prior to reading this article.
02 Online Sexual Predator Sentenced to 29 Years
Social media is a great vehicle for keeping up with friends and family, networking with colleagues, and sharing common interests with others – and it’s an especially popular way for young people to communicate with one another. But, like a car that’s stolen by a bank robber to be used as a getaway vehicle, social media accounts can be hijacked by criminals and others for nefarious purposes.
03 Truly ephemeral, encrypted, screenshot-protected messaging now available
Sovereign Share has rolled out invisi 1.0.7 – a new private messaging app developed for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. By design, invisi does not require the systematic cooperation of a recipient device to revoke access to a message.
04 Go For Facebook
Go To Facebook is available in the Mac App Store. It is a free app. It is an app dedicated to running Facebook.
05 Educate yourself on Hard Disk and Solid State Drive Problems
Software and Computer Systems Company, LLC (SCSC) has released a new Web-based document titled “The Signs and Symptoms of Hard Disk and Solid State Drive Problems.” The document replaces its predecessor, which was titled “Bad Hard Drive SIgns and Symptoms.” The new article adds information relative to solid state drives which was missing in its now-dated predecessor.
06 Expert collages and posters created in simple clicks
You’ve heard me talk about Posterino before. Now, the latest iteration of its popular custom collage app facilitates the creation of beautiful photo collages with a number of new features. Users can expect more flexibility, improved workflow, and easy sharing.
07 Filemaker users get new forums, community
On August 25, 2015, the FileMaker Forums will merge with the FileMaker Community. The FileMaker Community is built on the latest discussion forum technology. We think you’ll enjoy some of the new enhancements.
08 Mac OS X Barcode Creator Goes Postal
Barcode Basics is now at version 3.0. This version adds nine new barcode types, many of which are of use in the postal systems in Netherlands, the UK, the USA, Japan and Germany.
09 Reflector 2
Reflector turns your Mac (or Windows machine) into an Airplay. You are able to connect any combination of devices to your computer at the same time.
10 First DIY Integrated Wireless Video Surveillance System
Uniden Wireless DVR HDD (WDVR) is the first fully-integrated wireless DVR video surveillance system designed specifically for DIY small business and homeowners.
11 An Effective New Way to Add Instagram and Twitter Followers
People who want to massively increase their Instagram and Twitter followers with a simple and easy swipe can now head to the App Store and download Azure Group’s unique new app, Follow4Fame.
12 Quotes: Dolly Parton and George Halas
The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.
– Dolly Parton
Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.
– George Halas
…have a great week!
Remember, I invite all user groups to use this column in full or in pieces in your newsletters. Or add a link to your Web sites.
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long-time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Lynn is currently working to rebuilding the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society (TUMS) and also is a member of the Apple Corps of Dallas. An active participate on several MUG Facebook pages as well.
Fred has been a user group guy since 1986, through the AOL UG Forum days, then out onto the Web. Fred started and developed the User Group Network as a parallel organization to the Mug News Service, then continued through the founding of the Association of Apple Computer Users and Groups, and continues today at
© 2015, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web URL link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!