by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker
What’s Here:
01 ALERT: Bank of America Malware Phish attack
02 Facebook User Groups 12/13/14
03 iPhone InfoManager: A new iPhone, lots of apps, news and rumors
04 App Camp For Girls Seattle Finishes With Campers Pitching Apps
05 Free Set of Greeting Cards
06 MORE Fun apps for the kids and the folks for the holidays
07 An Oral History of Boston’s Rise and Fall
08 Save Call history to Mac or iPhone
09 Safenetting: The New Year Brings New Cybersecurity Challenges
10 NASA vs Macintosh ?
11 Steve “Woz” fun video
12 Lynn Wegley shared Chris Espinosa’s photo blast from the past!
13 Des Moines Mac Users Group (DMMUG)
14 Quotes: Steve Wozniak and Walt Disney
01 ALERT: Bank of America Malware Phish attack… pin, share, forward, post:
02 Facebook User Groups 12/13/14
This week’s subject on UG’s Facebook pages are listed below. If you know of any user groups on Facebook that aren’t mentioned, please let us know. This week we saw:
[_] Classic Apple Watches From 1995 Once Again Available for Sale
[_] Microsoft’s five NEW consumer apps for iPhone/iPad
[_] UGAB MUG Deals
[_] and more!
03 iPhone InfoManager: A new iPhone, lots of apps, news and rumors
Here we are in the last hours of 2014, iPhone 6 is flying off the shelf, but what we learned at the local AT&T and Verizon stores is a very interesting revelation: nearly as many people are now upgrading from the iPhone 4, or 5 to the 5s, not willing to take the big jump to 6. Hmmmmmm. So lots of people need iPhone 5 and 6 tips, tricks and help. Watch out, this is a huge UGN iPhone InfoManager…
* 14 iOS 8 Privacy Settings Everyone Needs to Understand (And Change Right Now)
* Proof That The Fingerprint Sensor On The iPhone 5S Isn’t Just A Gimmick
* Secure your iPhone data with pair locking and two factor authentication
* The 19 best new features of the iPhone 5 and iOS 6 (and how to use them)
* These 7 iOS 7 Features Make Us Want To Throw Our iPhones Against A Wall
* iOS 7 secrets, tips and hidden features: master your iPhone and iPad
* Top 15 Mail Tips for iPhone & iPad: How to get more done faster
* How to customize QuickType suggestions with the iOS 8 keyboard
* 21 brilliant iOS 7 tips and tricks and problems solved
* The Secret Powers Hidden in Your iPhone’s Accessibility Options
* 10 awesome things you didn’t know your phone could do
* Top iPhone and iPad Keyboard Tips and Tricks [Video]
* How to increase your iPhone’s battery life on iOS 7
* 5 things you had no idea your iPhone could do
* Configuring an iPhone to Suit Your Preferences
* Working with Calendars and Reminders in iCloud
* 10 iPhone Tweaks To Make Your Life Easier
* The 18 Most Important Features in iOS 8
* How to extend iPhone battery life?
* Setting Up Voicemail
* and more!…
04 App Camp For Girls Seattle Finishes With Campers Pitching Apps
Your daughters will thank you for this some day. I wish it was around when my daughter was coming up. She would have loved it! App Camp For Girls, a program that teaches middle-school girls how to design and build iPhone apps, will wrap up its inaugural Seattle session on August 8, 2014, with a pitch session at which the campers will present their apps to an all-women panel of Seattle tech industry leaders.
05 Free Set of Greeting Cards
Here’s a special collection of free holiday application of greeting cards, aptly named Greeting Cards. It contains 22 warm and stylish templates for Pages created by Graphic Node’s team of professional designers
06 MORE Fun apps for the kids and the folks for the holidays
iPad Apps InfoManager for Halloween. We’re back with another selection of apps for the season – the folks will enjoy some of these for planing, decorating and cooking! Nothing better than a home-made Holiday, and here’s the stuff for you…
* Making your list… checking it twice…
* Christmas Tree and Holiday Craft Ideas
* 10,000 FREE Christmas Songs!
* 9 Christmas Crafts for Kids
* Christmas Recipes
* ABC Christmas
…and more!
07 An Oral History of Boston’s Rise and Fall
I was in Boston for only two years, (August 1986 – October 1988), but felt like I was in one of the hearts of tech at an exciting time of history. This history on re/code tells me a little about why I felt that way.
08 Save Call history to Mac or iPhone
Backup Call Logs 1.0 – Every time you or anyone else makes or receives a call on an iPhone, the date, duration and contact information is recorded into your iPhone’s call log. This includes both standard phone calls and FaceTime.
09 Safenetting: The New Year Brings New Cybersecurity Challenges
It’s been a tough year for those battling cybersecurity threats and data breaches. From Target and Home Depot to JP Morgan Chase and Sony Pictures Entertainment, 2014 reminded business executives and consumers that nobody is invincible
10 NASA vs Macintosh ?
Thanks to M.J. Del Missier, long-time user group guy and friend, we enjoyed this article – NASA’s Orion has same processor as 2003 Apple iBook G3. I think you’ll enjoy it too:
11 Steve “Woz” fun video
Del also sent this link to a wonderfully enjoyable VIDEO on YouTube in an interview with the WOZ about the “garage” myth! “Apple myth debunked by Steve Wozniak, One guy sings” (skip the rude ads)
12 Lynn Wegley shared Chris Espinosa’s photo blast from the past!
It’s the Homestead High School student newspaper, May 20, 1977… Alumni make business profit; build, sell home computers: great find… and THANK YOU CHRIS (use this link if you are over 60… LOL:
13 Des Moines Mac Users Group (DMMUG)
Vickie wrote in to let us know about the Des Moines Mac Users Group… which proves a point: sometimes, if you want someone to know about your group… you have to tell them. They ain’t gonna find out on their own! LOL By golly, she’s right! Say hi!
14 Quotes: Steve Wozniak and Walt Disney
But I know newspapers. They have the first amendment and they can tell any lie knowing it’s a lie and they’re protected if the person’s famous or it’s a company.
– Steve Wozniak
I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous.
– Walt Disney
…and have a great week!
Remember, I invite all user groups to use this column in full or in pieces in your newsletters. Or add a link to your Web sites.
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Currently working primarily with the Cowtown MUG of Ft. Worth but also works with the Apple Corp of Dallas and is a lifetime member of TUMS, the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society.
Fred has been active in UGs since 1986, first the AOL UG Forum, then the User Group Network. He spoke at the original AppleWorld in 1987, and served as Apple User Group Advisory Board Member for three years. He founded the User Group Academy and the Appleseeds Foundation
© 2014, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!