by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker
What’s Here:
01 Cyber Security – some do, some don’t, some are idiots, and some are dead.
02 Online-only auction features the original Apple Computer, Apple-1
03 Parental Controls in Mountain Lion
04 Daily Lama
05 iOS 7 beta 2’s new features.
06 MacBasics
07 Track your CrossFit WODs with Food RX – Major Logging Update
08 No matter the weather: outpace the Weather with WeatherRun iPhone App
09 iCarbs 4.0 Released – Great New Functionality Added
10 Free Macintosh Fonts
11 Make Physical Activity a Consistent Part of Your Life with MiFitLife
12 Doctor Asks, Do You Have the Parenting Skills to Prevent iPad Addiction?
13 Quotes: Freedom
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY… Independence Day
What does Freedom mean to you???
01 Cyber Security – some do, some don’t, some are idiots, and some are dead.
It seems the “popular opinion” is fickle, driven by a few idiots, and cannot decide what they want. First everyone’s bitching and moaning about an “open” and “free” Web, so they’ve got their noses up their riots about CISPA… then all of a sudden they’re all bitching and moaning about their privacy so their noses are bent over PRISM. Idiots crying they’d rather die than give up their privacy. Then terrorists detonate bombs at a popular marathon, someone actually does die, then everyone’s suddenly bitching and moaning “Why didn’t you know?“ or ”How did you let that happen?“
But no matter what band of idiots you follow, the good old InfoManager continues coverage of the ever growing cybercrime threat – and the CISPA legislation rift between privacy advocates, security advocates, and the idiots.
This is the eighth installment of our new infomanager: ”Cybersecurity“
* Outcry over PRISM spying delays CISPA and other cyber bills from moving forward
* Report: In Wake of NSA Leaks, Cybersecurity Legislation pushed into the fall
* Enterprise cyber-security: The case for using analytics to manage risk
* Cyber security market in China could double by 2017
* China, US Continue ”War of Words“ on Cybersecurity
* Edward Snowden Dodges Cybersecurity Regulations
* Cybersecurity and the Limits of Leader Summits
* Avoiding Cybersecurity Complacency
and more…
02 Online-only auction features the original Apple Computer, Apple-1
Open for bids June 24 – July 9 – Christie’s has announced First Bytes: Iconic Technology From the Twentieth Century, an online-only auction featuring vintage tech products. The sale will be open for bidding from June 24 through July 9, and will include the original Apple computer, now known as the Apple-1, which was designed and hand-built in 1976 by Steve Wozniak, who later signed his work.
03 Parental Controls in Mountain Lion
This TUAW article is very interesting. I’ve long been active in telling people about Parental Controls in Mac OS X and the Restrictions setting in iOS. In many ways they act similarly.
04 Daily Lama
Independent developer Cristi Habliuc has announced the release of the latest version of the iPhone and iPad application, Daily Lama 3.0. It stands out with quality, hand-picked quotes, a beautiful interface and many other features.
05 iOS 7 beta 2’s new features.
iDownloadBlog has the article with the title of iOS 7 beta 2 is out: brings iPad support and other features. This site apparently specializes in iOS products.
06 MacBasics
I’ve been hearing more and more, “Does it come with a manual?” Of course, there isn’t a manual in the box with the Macintosh.
07 Track your CrossFit WODs with Food RX – Major Logging Update
KJM Productions has released Food RX 1.6.0, a significant update to its easy-to-use paleo and zone dieting app for iOS devices. Food RX makes it easy to follow the paleo and zone diets with additional tools for the CrossFit community. Workout logging and tracking features were significantly updated to allow CrossFitters to track all WODs. Moreover, users can log mainsite RSS WODs, edit previously entered information for workouts, foods and body weight.
08 No matter the weather: outpace the Weather with WeatherRun iPhone App
GammaPoint, the leader in GPS-based apps, has released WeatherRun 1.0, a complete a new way to track outdoor activities. The motive behind the app is to provide the accurate weather conditions along with activity tracking. The unique feature of the app is drag and drop buttons for a customized dashboard. Now users are not stuck with what developer wants to show them but they can setup their own dashboard and see the bigger picture of what matters to them the most.
09 iCarbs 4.0 Released – Great New Functionality Added
New in a previous update to all 10 iNutrient apps (iCarbs, iCholesterol, iFiber, iKals, iPotassium, iProteins, iSatFat, iSodium, iSugars and Vitamin K) was the capability to record Custom Serving Sizes from 1 to 500 grams in 0.1 gram increments. Users can easily adjust the amounts while viewing the weight in not only grams, but also kilograms, ounces and pounds. In addition to immediate weight updates as you change the number of grams, the nutrient content and calories get updated also. This makes it easy to record the exact serving size you’re looking for based on any of the variables: 9 for Vitamin K, 6 for iCals, and 7 for each of the others.
10 Free Macintosh Fonts
128bit Technologies has announced its collection of 45 free fonts is now available on the Mac App Store under the name: Free Fonts-Commercial Use OpenType Fonts.
11 Make Physical Activity a Consistent Part of Your Life with MiFitLife
A unique and valuable fitness tool has been realeased for the iPhone. MiFitLife provides users with a highly personal lifetime fitness guide of appropriate and progressive physical activity. It calculates the optimal amount of physical activity they should engage in each week as determined by their body’s ability to use oxygen. By participating in any physical activity, from A to Z, Aerobics to Zumba, individuals of all fitness levels, ages, shapes, and sizes will no longer need additional motivation to incorporate physical activity as a consistent, intelligent, and enjoyable part of their life.
12 Doctor Asks, Do You Have the Parenting Skills to Prevent iPad Addiction?
Dr. S, eminent psychiatrist and media specialist, today continued his public health campaign: 1) alerting parents to the dangers of unsupervised use of iPads by kids; and 2) urging the embedding of media management in family life starting at the youngest age possible.
13 Quotes: Freedom
He who would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
–Thomas Paine
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.
–Thomas Jefferson
Freedom lies in being bold.
–Robert Frost
…and have a great week!
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Currently working primarily with the Cowtown MUG of Ft. Worth but also works with the Apple Corp of Dallas and is a lifetime member of TUMS, the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society.
Fred has been active in UGs since 1986, first the AOL UG Forum, then the User Group Network. He spoke at the original AppleWorld in 1987, and served as Apple User Group Advisory Board Member for three years. He founded the User Group Academy and the Appleseeds Foundation
© 2013, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!