by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with coeditor Fred Showker
What’s Here:
01 UGNN Facebook Update: After a year, the craziness goes on
02 UGNN Maleware Report for 1305-20
03 Pixelmator 2.2
04 Eighty Best Free iPhone Apps – 2013
05 iCarMode
06 MAS AppDelete Lite 3.2.9
07 Cyber Security: More updates abound
08 Will Vittle for the iPad Finally Kill the Need for Text?
09 Photographer takes iPad users on a free motorcycle ride through Mexico
10 New PhotoBulk 1.5
11 iLuv Drawing Vehicles HD for iPad: Learn Secrets of Drawing Step-by-Step
12 The Art of Communication
01 UGNN Facebook Update: After a year, the craziness goes on
UGNN InfoManager news all about social media and Facebook Well, it’s been a year, and nothing has changed… well, I take that back – a lot has changed. But the idiots, stalkers, whiners, gripers, and pervs are still there!
* Australian politician apologizes for liking Facebook pic of exposed teen
* Facebook’s timeline: A history of the social network’s hits and misses
* Three teens charged with raping girl, posting video on Facebook
* Facebook: Google+ a “Dangerous, Different Game,” Says BTIG
* Facebook, Twitter announce apps for Google’s Glass
* Baby Foxes Check Into Facebook
* Facebook, a year after IPO
…and more
02 UGNN Maleware Report for 1305-20
User Group Network UGN Safenetting and Cybercrime report – We’re reporting on the latest trends and hacks in your online security – not all for Windoze machines either. The mobile/smartphone community seems to be suffering most – and we do have a new news in the Macintosh/Apple arena as well. We’ve gotten a slew of new updates before we can even get this report to the web! Here goes :
* Trying to kill undead Pushdo zombies? Hard luck, Trojan is EVOLVING
* Android Malware Makes Up This Week’s Dangerous Apps List
* Indian malware campaign targeting Pakistan uncovered
* Mac users beware, “Apple-certified” malware is here
* In a sea of malware, viruses make a small comeback
* “Lame” Mac malware finds success in spearphishing
* Internet Explorer 10: Best Against Malware
* Music and lights could trigger malware
* Mobile malware increased 58% in 2012
* You’ve got malware
and more…
03 Pixelmator 2.2
Pixelmator is my most favorite graphic program, so this announcement is good news. You should checkout Pixelmator on the Mac App Store as well as on the company’s Web site. The Pixelmator Team announced on May 16th that Pixelmator 2.2 downloads have topped half a million since the previous Thursday, making it the most successful release in the Pixelmator Team’s history. With over 100 new features and improvements, Pixelmator 2.2 Blueberry is available exclusively through the Mac App Store as a free update, or for $14.99 for new customers.
04 Eighty Best Free iPhone Apps – 2013
This article on by Craig Grannell gives us the top apps for iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S. (Note: TechRadar is UK-based.)
05 iCarMode
iCarMode has announced a 50% price reduction on iCarMode 2.7, for a limited time, starting May 18, 2013. The app enables users to use their iPhone safely while driving. iCarMode contains the major features needed to ease and improve the iPhone-car experience.
06 MAS AppDelete Lite 3.2.9
Independent software developer Reggie Ashworth has announced the release and immediate availability of MAS AppDelete Lite 3.2.9, an update to his popular application deletion utility for Mac OS X, available via the Mac App Store. With a simple Drag & Drop, AppDelete Lite will uninstall anything along with all of the associated items. Mac users will no longer have to hunt through their system to find and delete these items manually.
07 Cyber Security: More updates abound
For a number of years, we’ve followed, advocated, and reported on all the failed legislation aiming to curb, and protect us from, the ever growing cybercrime threat. Now the CISPA legislation has passed the House causing a huge rift between privacy advocates and security advocates. Many think we don’t need it. Others think we need it just different and yet others think this is just what we need. The world is a changing place.
This is the fourth installment of our new infomanager: Cybersecurity
* Want To Destroy Any Hope Of Serious Cybersecurity? Give The DOJ Its Desired Backdoor Wiretaps On All Communications
* Nation’s critical infrastructure cyberdefenses weak, DHS tells hearing
* Consistent cybersecurity training a must to meet evolving threats
* California Launches Cybersecurity Task Force – Government Technology
* End-user awareness is the missing link in cyber security
* How a best-practices registry could make cloud safer
* Melissa Hathaway on Cybersecurity and the G20
* Defense cybersecurity unit planned in Japan
* Funding DHS Cybersecurity Initiatives
and more…
08 Will Vittle for the iPad Finally Kill the Need for Text?
Despite being a sub-optimal experience, iPad users still rely on its virtual keyboard for most of their daily communications. A new app named Vittle from Qrayon, launching worldwide today, seeks to change that. Vittle lets users record short videos using their photos, handwriting, and voice that can be securely shared, or posted online for the whole world.
09 Photographer takes iPad users on a free motorcycle ride through Mexico
When the photographer left Los Angeles a few years ago for a five-month expedition to Latin America, little did he know that there was no going back. In the following years, the epic adventure now nicknamed “LA2BA” would cover 42,000 miles through 15 countries, providing a vast supply of exceptional photographic opportunities and a rare chance to meet the contrasting cultures of an entire continent.
10 New PhotoBulk 1.5
Eltima Software has announced the fresh release of their image editor PhotoBulk – version 1.5. It is an easy-to-use bulk image editor for Mac that lets you add text/image watermark, resize, and optimize hundreds and thousands of images in just a couple of clicks.
11 iLuv Drawing Vehicles HD for iPad: Learn Secrets of Drawing Step-by-Step
iLuv Drawing Vehicles HD for iPad: Learn Secrets of Drawing Step-by-Step MADE IN AMERICA iLuv Drawing Vehicles for iPad is a clever app which shows kids step-by-step how to draw 20 different vehicles. Unlike most similar apps, it provides a full complement of flexible, accurate, touch-sensitive tools for young artists, including: pencils, crayons, pattern brushes, paint fills, erasers, backgrounds, stickers, undos, layering, scaling, flipping, rotating, and zooming.
12 The Art of Communication
Put it before them briefly so they will read it,
clearly so they will appreciate it,
picturesquely so they will remember it and, above all,
accurately so they will be guided by its light.
–Joseph Pulitzer
Precision of communication is important, more important than ever in
our era of hair-trigger balances, when a false, or misunderstood word
may create as much disaster as a sudden thoughtless act.
–James Thurber
The vacuum created by a failure to communicate will
quickly be filled with rumor, misrepresentation, doubt and poison.
–Parkinson’s Law
Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee,
and just as hard to sleep after.
–Anne Morrow Lindbergh
…and have a great week!
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Currently working primarily with the Cowtown MUG of Ft. Worth but also works with the Apple Corp of Dallas and is a lifetime member of TUMS, the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society.
Fred has been active in UGs since 1986, first the AOL UG Forum, then the User Group Network. He spoke at the original AppleWorld in 1987, and served as Apple User Group Advisory Board Member for three years. He founded the User Group Academy and the Appleseeds Foundation
© 2013, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly stated Web link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!