by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker
What’s Here:
01 To Hell With Spammers!
02 ICANN mishandling the Internet and Web DNS Domain Name System, allowing cybercrime free reign
03 Shade 3D ver 14 for 3D Modeling, Animation and 3D Printing
04 Nimble Ninja Price Drops to Free
05 MUG in local newspaper
06 DeskConnect Launches for Mac & iOS
07 Facebook’s Proposed Privacy Policy
08 Four Apps to Enhance the TV Second-Screen Experience
09 On the death of a genius and recollections of a MACaholic
10 1987 Appleworld
11 Facebook report on government data requests a reminder there is no privacy
12 The Book, Mobile Digital Art
13 Safenetting on pinterest
14 Quotes: Political Candidates
01 To Hell With Spammers!
“To Hell With Spammers!”, the humorous pop music video by Alan Babbitt, is starting to attract viewers and is poised to go viral, which is to say we could use your help in expanding its audience.
02 ICANN mishandling the Internet and Web DNS Domain Name System, allowing cybercrime free reign
User Group Network UGN Safenetting and Cyber Security report
As you may already know, Safenetting and UGNN have been participating in the Knujon anti-spam efforts since they launched. We have participated by reporting all spam, phishing, and malware attacks that come through several different honey pot e-mail addresses to SpamCop, and then add the data to Knujon’s analysis system.
03 Shade 3D ver 14 for 3D Modeling, Animation and 3D Printing
Shade 3D ver 14 is the next generation of the premier professional 3D modeling, rendering, animation and 3D printing tools. Shade 3D ver. 14 is available in Professional ($499), Standard ($249) and Basic ($99) releases on Mac OS X and Windows. All levels use the same intuitive workflow in the adaptable, configurable interface, making it easy to start with Basic but to upgrade later to Standard or Professional.
04 Nimble Ninja Price Drops to Free
We got a number of press releases this weekend that had discounted or free software for Labor Day weekend or just Labor Day itself as an offer. It seems that the people presenting these don’t understand the idea of lead time. Here is one that at least gave us a week’s lead time. Probably not enough to get it into a MUG/PCUG newsletter, but at least it is a start.
05 MUG in local newspaper
The Kankakee Area MUG (KAMUG) has been able to get their meeting announcement on the Web site of the Daily Journal. I haven’t been able to discover it if was published in the physical paper.
06 DeskConnect Launches for Mac & iOS
DeskConnect launched this past week for iPhone and Mac. On Friday, I listened to a Mac OS Ken Podcast that interview one of the developers. I had already downloaded the iPhone part of the app, but hadn’t gotten the Mac part yet. (I had even published this article, but now have revised it.) I think that all of you will be interested in checking this app out and perhaps even doing a quick demo at your meetings. What it does, it does very simply and very well. Everyone should have it. In the interview, it was stated that eventually there will be a client for Windows. No mention was made of the possibility of Android.
07 Facebook’s Proposed Privacy Policy
On All Things D, Mike Isaac has an article about Facebook’s new Proposed Privacy Policy. In it he describes how YOUR face really matters to Facebook.
08 Four Apps to Enhance the TV Second-Screen Experience
So far this year, shipments of computing devices are up by 6 percent to 2.4 billion, with a far greater focus on smartphones and tablets than PCs, TechCrunch reports. If you’re one of the 30 million consumers who watch TV on a mobile device (according to Nielsen data), there are some great social, interactive apps out there that sync live programming directly to your personal device. They enhance what experts call the “second-screen experience”.
09 On the death of a genius and recollections of a MACaholic
Don Rittner, Author, historian and Macaholic writes: During the 1980s, many of the user groups decided to get together each year and called it the National Apple User Group Conference (NAUGC) and met in different cities. Apple had a user group liaison with their Apple User Group Advisory Board. Each user group could have one official “ambassador” who would receive info from the group. But the user groups were distinct entities that enjoyed the independent status. Relations between the two were not always the best. Apple’s UGAB was to preach the word according to Steve. User Group leaders were more interested in getting answers when things were not going just right. If you remember acronyms like NAUGC, NAUGSAW or UGAB, we think you may just enjoy this article!
10 1987 Appleworld
Speaking of nostalgia, did you identify the people in the photos in Don’s article? Well, as we go through stuff, some real keepers turn up. Like this collection of photos taken at Appleworld in 1987… posted to the Facebook page
If you have memories from the old days of User Groups, please send them along! Or, post or share to the Facebook page at
11 Facebook report on government data requests a reminder there is no privacy
Facebook, others cannot refuse legitimate requests, so users should think twice before posting and follow employers’ policies for social networks. In releasing its first report on government requests for user information, Facebook is reminding businesses and consumers that use of the Internet today requires self-censorship.
12 The Book, Mobile Digital Art
The book Mobile Digital Art (subtitled “Using The iPhone and iPad As Creative Tools”) goes beyond the boundaries of traditional art books by offering easy-to-follow tutorials from each of the participating artists as well as revealing their influences and motivations. Because so many apps are ever-evolving and new ones are emerging almost daily, the book’s publisher, Focal Press, is creating a Web site that will provide the most current information on apps, artists and new visions. In addition, Author/Artist/App Developer David Scott Leibowitz has launched an another supporting Web site, Art N Photo Apps, that contains an invaluable resource, a unique list of artist-used and artist-approved apps for just art, photography, design, and video.
13 Safenetting on pinterest
Follow Safenetting alerts, etc., on Pinterest
14 Quotes: Political Candidates
Political Candidates are like cross-eyed javelin throwers: they don’t win many accuracy contests, but they keep the crowd’s attention.
– Anonymous
A Political Candidate is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.
– Laurence J. Peter
A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.
– Everett Dirksen
…and have a great week!
Remember, I invite all user groups to use this column in full or in pieces in your newsletters. Or add a link to your Web sites.
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Currently working primarily with the Cowtown MUG of Ft. Worth but also works with the Apple Corp of Dallas and is a lifetime member of TUMS, the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society.
Fred has been active in UGs since 1986, first the AOL UG Forum, then the User Group Network. He spoke at the original AppleWorld in 1987, and served as Apple User Group Advisory Board Member for three years. He founded the User Group Academy and the Appleseeds Foundation
© 2013, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!