InfoManager for Monday, September 22nd, 2014

by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker

What’s Here:
01 UGNN Malware Report for September 2014
02 UGNN Facebook Update: September news, views and blues
03 Showcase of 40 Insanely Detailed iOS Icon Designs
04 User Groups on Facebook for Week Ending September 20
05 Ten Reasons To Install iOS8 Now
06 WritePad 7.5 Features Advanced Cloud Integration
07 Quotes: That’s Life


01 UGNN Malware Report for September 2014

User Group Network UGN Safenetting and Malware report Cyber threats are increasing and now the trend is malware and malicious downloads taking over where Phishing once was the main vehicle. They scam and get you to click or downlaod – and BAM, you’re infected! Many online news sources are beginning to catch up with UGNN on alerts. The InfoManager and Safenetting remain vigilant…
[_] SCAM ALERT: Scammers claim to be with U.S. Postal Service to install malware on your computer
[_] The Home Depot reportedly ignored warnings from its own cybersecurity team
[_] Dynamic, Radical Solutions Needed: 2014 Cybersecurity Conference Highlights
[_] DoubleClick, Zedo ad networks used to spread malware: Malwarebytes
[_] Microsoft Found Zemot, a Strain of the Infamous Upatre Malware
[_] Home Depot says malware affected 56M payment cards Town Hall
[_] DoubleClick Malware Exposes Millions to Ad-based Infection
[_] Hacker attacks drive a boom in cybersecurity
…and more!


02 UGNN Facebook Update: September news, views and blues

From scams, to fraud, to people intentionally running over wildlife, to Joan Rivers scams, to marketing and advertising schemes, Facebook leads the world in both the best and the worst of humankind… if it’s happening, you’re reading about it in the UGNN InfoManager…
[_] Beware of iPhone 6 scams on Facebook: Filling out surveys cannot get you an iPhone 6
[_] Sister Roma, Drag Performer, Talks About Leading Fight Against Facebook
[_] Facebook account disabled? Here’s why you may have been kicked off
[_] Facebook’s Oculus unveils new virtual reality prototype device
[_] Facebook Inc. Plans to Beat YouTube at Its Own Game
[_] Missoula man runs down wolves, brags on Facebook
[_] Joan Rivers’ Facebook page plugs iPhone 6
[_] Facebook fatigue? There’s an app for that
[_] The Hidden World of Facebook “Like Farms”
[_] Barred From Facebook, and Wondering Why
[_] Facebook and Twitter test buy buttons
[_] 5 Facebook settings to change now
[_] Is it Time to Quit Facebook?…
and more


03 Showcase of 40 Insanely Detailed iOS Icon Designs

These are truly detailed icons.
Here you can see all of them:


04 User Groups on Facebook for Week Ending September 20

This week’s subject on UG’s Facebook pages are listed below. If you know of any user groups on Facebook that aren’t mentioned, please let us know. This week we saw:
[*] How to Set Battery Percentage reading on iOS 8
[*] Bradley Dichter says: Another reason to upgrade your iPhone…
[*] Bob LeVitus wrote: My mom always told me to say thank you like I meant it, even if I hated a gift. This cartoon from New Yorker goes out to all the ill-bred U2 complainers…
[*] Daniel East writes: Thanks to David Pogue for this…
13 Gems in iOS 8: Dave’s Faves
[*] iOS 8 is a teeming mass of code, a carefully crafted cornucopia of new features. Some, Apple has marketed to the skies. Others are quiet touchups that you’ll just stumble upon. [BEWARE: Yahoo employs stalker links and spoofer links. Do not click on anything in the Yahoo screen!]
[*] Cindy Love shared Mark Chesnutt’s photo. …I got the new Apple Watch today
[*] Dallas Apple Corp: John Shaffer wrote: “Has anyone looked at and checked it out? Does anyone know if this actually works and is it safe? I assume it is going to require my AppleID in order to work. I have a friend who asked me and I had never heard of it and didn’t know anyone who had. Let me know your thoughts.


05 10 Reasons To Install iOS8 Now

This article by Tim Brooks on MakeUseOf Web site gives 10 reasons not to wait for your upgrade to iOS 8.


06 WritePad 7.5 Features Advanced Cloud Integration

The new version of the handwriting recognition and note-taking app for iPads and iPhones – WritePad 7.5 includes new WriteCloud File Manager, which allows users to import and export text documents stored most anywhere on a Cloud. The new version also features improved integration for Adoint Jot stylus, updated handwriting recognition dictionaries, and other usability and performance improvements.


Microsoft Fan Says: “Windows 8 Is A Disaster In Every Sense Of The Word”

iPhone 6: The final straw for Android makers eaten alive by the data parasite? Arr, makin’ spy kit fer Google, a mug’s game, matey!


07 Quotes: That’s Life

You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.
– Shira Tehrani

Do not allow yourselves to be disheartened by any failure as long as you have done your best.
– Mother Teresa


…and have a great week!

Remember, I invite all user groups to use this column in full or in pieces in your newsletters. Or add a link to your Web sites.


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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.

Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.

Currently working primarily with the Cowtown MUG of Ft. Worth but also works with the Apple Corp of Dallas and is a lifetime member of TUMS, the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society.

Fred has been active in UGs since 1986, first the AOL UG Forum, then the User Group Network. He spoke at the original AppleWorld in 1987, and served as Apple User Group Advisory Board Member for three years. He founded the User Group Academy and the Appleseeds Foundation


© 2014, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web link to:

Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!

About SGVAUG BlogMaster

San Gabriel Valley Apple Users Group
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