iOS 16 Tricks

“Apple’s iOS 16 update changed your iPhone. Here’s how to change it back, make it better and do more.”

So tells us Heather Kelly, on The Washington Post:

Lurking inside every major smartphone update are a mix of changes we like, changes we don’t and features we don’t even know are there yet. Apple’s iOS 16 update for iPhones came out last week, and behind the flashier updates like editable messages is a whole list of subtle tweaks.

These big Apple updates always add in new settings and ways to customize your devices. On iPhones, that can mean introducing clutter and confusion, or just challenging creatures of habit who don’t like it when buttons move around (hello). Let us guide you through your phone’s new look, including that bigger clock.

I definitely need figure out some changes!

To check it all out, PYBT: How to customize your lock screen and 9 other iOS 16 tricks.

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