At last month’s meeting we saw a preview of the new world of mobile communications that was promised with the July 11th release of the iPhone and At our July 21st meeting we will be able to experience first-hand whether the promise has indeed become the reality.
SGVMUG Board members Billy Chang and Gautam Godse will present live demonstrations of the new Apple’s iPhone 3G, putting it through its paces to show just what this new personal portable computer (it’s not just a telephone) can do.
This month we also will be initiating a new format for our meetings: We will gather for an informal “networking” period at 6:45 p.m. Then, at 7:00 p.m. we will begin the meeting with a “Tips and Tricks” session, also featuring an opportunity for Q&A on general topics relating to the Macintosh. The main topic presentation will begin at 7:15 p.m. Following a break around 8:30 p.m. we will conduct our drawing. Informal discussions will continue when we congregate at the “Meeting-after-the meeting” at Coco’s Restaurant on Lake Street.
Come and join us for an evening of camaraderie and information – all related to our common interest in Macintosh computing.