New President’s Message

These are exciting times for Macintosh users:  the new iPhone and “” software is about to be released, promising an expanded role of the personal portable “computer” coupled with mobile connectivity to the Internet, to make all of our lives easier and more productive.

This also is an exciting time for the San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group.  With our new Board of Directors, we have a renewed enthusiasm for creating our meetings as the place to come not only to learn about Macintosh hardware, software, and applications, but also to network with other users who share your interests.  Our Website will continue to provide news and helpful hints how to make better and more productive use of your own computing environment.

For those of you who have been regular members and attendees of our meetings, on behalf of the Board of Directors, I want to thank you for your support.  For those of you who have yet to attend one of our meetings – or who do so only occasionally – I invite you to put us on your regular calendar of “must do” events:  the Third Monday of (almost) every month at the Pasadena Library Auditorium.  Check our Website – – for details of the upcoming meeting and while you are there, browse through all of the other articles.

Please also feel free to contact us at any time with your questions, comments, and suggestions.

I look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting.

Ron Streicher

Best Regards,

Ron Streicher, President

About SGVAUG BlogMaster

San Gabriel Valley Apple Users Group
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