October 19th General Meeting

How to set up a perfect Apple environment in your home

Who needs Alexa, or Google Home? We’re gonna have Apple (at) Home!

Regular Features

Apps & Traps – Our essential monthly feature on interesting new products and services for iOS and OS X, brought to you by Dave Whitby.

Apple News & Updates


Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing includes a $25.00 iTunes gift card, a HYPE Retro Bluetooth handset, Staples Premium 4×6 Gloss Photo Paper, a Carbon Flyer (an iPhone-controlled aircraft), a Star Wars Artoo-Detoo 2200 mAh Power Bank, and a mystery iTunes gift card. Be on the lookout, on the Web site, for the Zooming, (Re)Joining, Drawing post, which will have the all gory details on how the drawing (among other things) should work.

The meeting will be conducted on Zoom. The gory details have arrived: Tech Check!

The Meeting after the Meeting is back with us. Hang on in Zoom, after the General meeting, and chat with everyone!

About SGVAUG BlogMaster

San Gabriel Valley Apple Users Group
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