The October 17 meeting is for creative writers
In honor of National Novel Writing Month in November, we’ll present essential tools for writers at the October 17 meeting. You’ll get an in-depth look at Storyist, the Mac-only story development program for novelists and screenwriters.
It’s both a word processor and outliner, but Storyist is more. It’s designed to let you keep notes on plot, characters, and settings in the same file as your manuscript or script. There’s a even a digital cork board for creating and organizing index cards and displaying photos of faces or places that inspire you. Storyist offers templates for page formatting so your pages will meet industry standards for formatting.
When you’re done with your manuscript or script, you can export your masterpiece to Word, ePub, Final Draft, or just text.
Our guest speaker is Steve Shepard, the CEO and the developer of Storyist. He’s a Silicon Valley veteran with 20+ years of experience in media technologies.
In addition to Storyist, we’ll also be presenting Visual Thesaurus and other software and web-based tools for writers.
Special Drawing prizes this month will include Storyist for the Mac, Storyist for the iPad, a year’s subscription to Visual Thesaurus and more goodies.