As we enter into the final quarter of 2013, we have seen the recent release of several new Apple products and iPhones, the new iOS 7, and are anticipating the new OS, Mavericks (10.9), later this month. And, with the holidays just around the corner, we are presented with numerous new options for updating our personal computing and communications and finding appropriate gifts for our friends and relatives.
However, all these new products and operating systems also bring with them many questions: Which of the new models will best fulfill my needs? Should I upgrade my iOS, or OS, now or wait until “the dust settles?” What should I get for _______?
At our regular monthly meetings, our Q&A session, David Whitby’s Apps & Traps, and our featured presentations provide answers to many of these questions and help you to achieve the optimal benefit from the new products and OS releases.
We invite you to join us at the Pasadena Library on the third Monday of every month, at 7:00 p.m. Our October 21st meeting will focus on the most recent iPhone and iOS releases. On November 18th, we will look at the new OS – 10.9 – and also discuss options for including Apple- and Macintosh-related items on your holiday gift lists.
We are also approaching the time to renew your membership for 2014. If you are currently a member, we thank you for your support and look forward to your renewal for the coming year. If you are not yet a member, we invite you to join the SGVMUG. Your $30.00 annual dues enable us to continue to produce the meetings you have come to enjoy and to support our Web site, The Members Only area features special news, discount offers on products and software, and other information which can provide you more than a positive return on your investment.
I wish you all the best for the remainder of 2013 and the coming 2014.
Best Regards,
Ron Streicher, President
San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group