The SGVMUG has contracted with the Pasadena Library to continue holding our regular meetings in the Auditorium for the coming year. With three exceptions due the Library’s operating schedule, we will be holding our meetings at our regular date and time: 7:00 p.m. on the third Monday of the month.
The first exception will be in August, 2009, when we will meet on the first Monday, August 3rd, because the Library will be undergoing renovations later in the month. In January, we will meet on the 11th (second Monday) and in February, we will meet on the 8th (also second Monday) because the Library will be closed for the Martin Luther King and Presidents Day holidays respectively.
Thus, here is the meeting schedule for the coming year:
2009: June 15, July 20, August 3, September 21, October 19, November 16, and December 21
2010: January 11, February 8, March 15, April 19, May 17, and June 21
Please mark your calendars and plan to join us at our regular meetings, and watch the website for detailed information about each.
Please also let us know what topics you would like us to cover in our meeting presentations. Just send us an e-mail at with your suggestions.
Best regards,
Ron Streicher, President
San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group