Going forward while backing up
Keeping your computer stuff safe
It is a well-known, but too-often ignored, tenet of safe computing that you should back up your computer’s hard drive frequently and regularly. In fact, the more you use your computer, the more critical it is to run a backup. However, far too many users neglect this simple task until they find themselves searching for the latest revision of their “great American novel”, their calendar or address book, family photographs or movies — or worse yet, a blank screen.
Backing up your computer is very easy to do and requires only an external hard drive and a simple software application that can run in the background. It can do its work automatically. In case of fire, theft, or earthquake, at least one backup should be outside of your home, either in another location or in the cloud.
At the September 18th meeting of the SGVAUG, special guest lecturer Garry Margolis will walk us through some of the most common backup applications for Mac computers — Time Machine, Super Duper, and Carbon Copy Cloner — and explain the benefits and differences among them. He will also talk about off-site backup strategies and applications. So be sure to come to this meeting and learn which of these will work best for you.
But before you leave home, run a backup of your computer!
Regular Features
Apps & Traps – Our essential monthly feature on interesting new products and services for iOS and OS X, brought to you by Dave Whitby.
appleSTEMs – Warren James presents interesting Apple science, technology, engineering, and math software. (On hiatus, while Warren’s free time is on hiatus…)
appleCore – Everyone says that iOS and macOS are intuitive and easy to use. If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Although iOS and macOS are easy to use after you’ve learned how to use them, actually learning to use them can be a bit confusing. Often, basic things are not explained because it is assumed that you already know them. We all know that that’s not always the case. So now the SGVAUG presents an on-going series of short talks about the core elements of iOS and macOS so that soon, you’ll be able to tell everyone, “Of course iOS and macOS are intuitively obvious”.
Apple News & Updates
Our rewarding Monthly Prize Drawing includes a $25.00 iTunes gift card, a TRIP-LITE notebook peripheral kit, a Sabrent 4-Port USB 2.0 hub, an Emtec Screen Wipes Duo, an Apple USB power 10W charger, a Macally 360 Degree Swivel Desk Mount, a Quirky Powercurl for 15″ and 17″ MacBook Pro, a pen with laser pointer, and a Tek Power universal car charger with Lighting connector. Don’t forget: members receive one free ticket for the drawing. Bring a guest and get another free ticket! Support our group and increase your chances of winning some goodies – drawing tickets are $1.00 each or six for $5.00. The odds are great that you can be a winner!
The meeting will be held in the Donald Wright Auditorium, at the Pasadena Public Library Main Branch at 7:00 p.m. Following the general meeting, we have our informal Meeting after the Meeting at Conrads, 861 E. Walnut St. (at the NW corner of Walnut and Lake).