At The Sweet Setup:
Every week we try to post a new interview with someone about what software they use on their Mac, iPhone, or iPad. We do these interviews because not only are they fun, but a glimpse into what tools someone uses and how they use those tools can spark our imagination and give us an idea or insight into how we can do things better.
Today’s victim, er, interviewee:
My name is Brad Dowdy, and I am a pen addict. By day, I write pen reviews at The Pen Addict and make pen cases at Nock Co with my partner, Jeffrey Bruckwicki. By night, I am a UNIX admin at a datacenter. All of the other hours I am a husband and father. There is sleep in there somewhere, too. Maybe.
You can catch Brad’s complete story here: Brad Dowdy’s sweet setup.
“Back issues” can be found here: Sweet Setup Interviews.