Wonderful! Just what we needed to hear: wireless keyboards can be hacked…
Noticed this on TidBITS this afternoon, from Josh Centers:
Bastille, a cybersecurity company, has shown that hackers can easily intercept transmissions from eight non-Bluetooth wireless keyboards. Experts demonstrated how a $40 radio transponder combined with a $50 antenna could grab the signals of budget wireless keyboards from Anker, EagleTec, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Insignia, Kensington, Radio Shack, and Toshiba. Bluetooth and wired keyboards, however, are not vulnerable to the methods used in this attack, providing a reason to avoid wireless keyboards that depend on proprietary transmission systems.
Please note that Bluetooth keyboards are NOT affected by this flaw. PYBT: Your Wireless Keyboard May Be Betraying You for all the gory details.