Jayson Adams from Circus Ponies Inc. will be our guest speaker for the August 25th monthly meeting. Circus Ponies is the maker of NoteBook – the best note organizer for the Mac.Is your desktop cluttered with files? Are you drowning in sticky notes? Do you remember where to find that important web clipping? Circus Ponies NoteBook is the award-winning application that helps Mac users manage all those bits of information that lack a good home. Whether it’s the notes, clippings, and to dos of your life, or the e-mails, diagrams and spreadsheets of that important project, NoteBook helps you keep it all organized and accessible.
Jayson will be presenting the latest version of NoteBook – v3.0. I know some of our users are already fans of this software and use it daily in our work. So come join us to watch the creator himself give us a demo and some sneak peaks into the future versions.Remember, in August we are meeting on the fourth Monday, Aug 25th ! So be there…