by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker
What’s Here:
01 UGNN Safenetting Malware Report for February 10, 2014
02 UGNN Facebook Update: Ten Years’ Woes, Bros & Foes
03 Twitter Infomanager: the IPO has its ups and downs – a new year and we’re tweeting twits
04 Mac at 30: Tales from BMUG
05 Apple Base Station Extreme/Time Capsule Highest Performance Upgrade
06 Internet Archive: Software
07 Streaming the Winter Olympics
08 PhotoBulk
09 Congress needs YOUR help… develop an app
10 GoPro plans IPO
11 Best Mac Software
12 RIP: Mugs of New Jersey
13 Quotes: Thoughts for Valentine’s Day
Happy Valentines Day…
01 UGNN Safenetting Malware Report for February 10, 2014
Facing threats of all kinds, including both Facebook and Mac malware attacks our February is moving along. Pass along this edition of Safenetting Malware Infomanager:
* Cryptolocker scambles US law firm’s entire cache of legal files
* Java-based malware turns Mac, Linux machines into zombies
* Linkup ransomware blocks Internet access, mines Bitcoins
* The FBI is collecting its own library of deadly malware
* Bogus Facebook Look Back video pages spread malware
* Post malware threat: Stress on indigenous electronics
* Windows XP users: Read this before doing your taxes!
* FedEx Spam Mails Disseminating Mac Malware
and more…
02 UGNN Facebook Update: Ten Years’ Woes, Bros, & Foes
So, now Facebook is ten years old, and lots of people are celebrating… including the hackers, spammers, FBI, government lobbyists and security officers… but hey, if it wasn’t Facebook, it wouldn’t be Facebook! And, you can darn well bet the Facebook Infomanager is chasing the rumors and news…
* Google, Facebook, Microsoft hire first anti-NSA lobbyist in Washington
* You Can Now Edit Your Cheesy Facebook Look Back Video
* Bogus Facebook Look Back video pages spread malware
* JENKINS: Is Facebook really making our lives better?
* Facebook Adds Edit Option for Look Back Videos
* Facebook turns nuisance ahead of Valentine’s Day
* Facebook Answers the Emotional Plea of a Father
* Facebook’s Next Decade: 3 Key Challenges
* Facebook Downgraded by Zacks to Neutral
* Facebook Helps Local Pets
…and more
CAUTION: Careful, we’ve found a pop-up ad splash screens and other stalker links and screen-spam on all of these pages. Seems the news industry has now resorted to heavy screen-spam to make revenue! Be very careful what you click.
03 Twitter Infomanager: the IPO has its ups and downs – a new year and we’re tweeting twits
We’re continuing the heat of Twitter’s impending IPO, things are changing – so, the first months are the worst months and Twitter is taking some licks! The Twitter Infomanager brings it all to you… follow along:
* Despite big drop, Twitter outpaces Facebook, LinkedIn in post-IPO market
* Twitter Inc (TWTR): Is The Company In Serious Trouble?
* What’s the matter with Twitter? Not what Twitter thinks
* Twitter’s first earnings report follows crash pattern
* Twitter’s Plunge, or the Upside of Owning a Fund
* Twitter, LinkedIn Growth Slows
…and more!
04 Mac at 30: Tales from BMUG
Macworld has this article by Dan Miller, about the Berkeley Macintosh User Group for 14 years, the largest Macintosh User Group in the world. At one point it had 13K members with satellite groups in Boston and Japan.
05 Apple Base Station Extreme/Time Capsule Highest Performance Upgrade
QuickerTek has announced upgrades for the already-fast Apple Airport Base Station Extreme with an innovative antenna update. Not only does the antenna upgrade offer dual-band 2.4GHz and 5.8GHz WiFi, it also triples the range of any version of the Base Station Extreme and/or Time Capsule. This improved wireless power offers users the ability to arrange and use their Apple wireless anywhere they choose.
06 Internet Archive: Software
We’ve mentioned the Internet Archive before for movies, audiobooks, and books in general, as well as Web sites.
07 Streaming the Winter Olympics
Business Insider has this article about how to stream the Winter Olympics over the Internet. (Careful, stalker links and “fake” news story spam links! )
08 PhotoBulk
Eltima Software is proud to announce that PhotoBulk app reached top 10 in the Photography category on the US Mac App Store with the incredible price $0.99!
09 Congress needs YOUR help… develop an app
The first annual Congressional Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Academic Competition, or “The House App Contest”, is now open for registration! High school students from across the country, including the Sixth Congressional District, will have the opportunity to create and exhibit a software application, or app, for mobile, tablet, or computer devices.
10 GoPro plans IPO
CNNMoney says: ’The company filed its IPO confidentially, so GoPro won’t reveal its financials until a later date.” GoPro was widely expected to be filing for an IPO around this time. To help prepare for the IPO, GoPro appointed Jack Lazar as chief financial officer on Tuesday.
11 Best Mac Software
In 2008, we posted this Best listing… many are still on top: This is a blog that is dedicated to finding the best open source and freeware software. In this case, the listing is for popular free and/or open source Macintosh software.
12 RIP: Mugs of New Jersey
Looking back ten years ago, we saw a UGNN post where the New Jersey MUG was presenting Shawn and Lesa King at the Gloucester County College and MUGSNJ for a digital photography workshop. We followed the link and found turned into an affiliate links farm site. Sorry.
13 Quotes: Thoughts for Valentine’s Day
At different stages in our lives, the signs of love may vary: dependence, attraction, contentment, worry, loyalty, grief, but at heart the source is always the same. Human beings have the rare capacity to connect with each other, against all odds.
– Michael Dorris
For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
– Ivan Panin
Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none.
– William Shakespeare
…and have a great week!
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Currently working primarily with the Cowtown MUG of Ft. Worth but also works with the Apple Corp of Dallas and is a lifetime member of TUMS, the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society.
Fred has been active in UGs since 1986, first the AOL UG Forum, then the User Group Network. He spoke at the original AppleWorld in 1987, and served as Apple User Group Advisory Board Member for three years. He founded the User Group Academy and the Appleseeds Foundation
© 2014, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!