by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker
What’s Here:
01 All about the music
02 iPad iApps for Musicians, created by Jordan Rudess
03 iPad iApps for Musicians, Music Makers & Players, Part 5
04 iPad iApps for Musicians, Music Makers & Players, Part 4
05 Last chance summer games InfoManager
06 InfoClick 1.1
07 DocScanner Pro for iOS: Free
08 Seven Apps To Manage Your Money
09 Ask Different
10 IDG: Crowdfunding: Clouds, Crowds, and Collaboration
11 Security 101: Protecting Your Smartphones from the Bad Guys
12 How to sync your iPhone and iPad using iTunes
13 What’s with fake “free” apps???
14 App Developers: Flash Valet parks your car
15 And finally, we say goodbye to “H”
16 Quotes: About Winning
01 All about the music
This week we got a little carried away in the App Store, Fred’s trying out music apps for the upcoming gig season. Some of these he already had, but discovering new ones is always an exciting time – particularly with the level of quality you’ll find in this week’s MUSIC APPS for iPad and iPhone. Enjoy.
02 iPad iApps for Musicians, created by Jordan Rudess
If you have anything to do with music whatsoever, you should have heard of Jordan Rudess by now. His YouTube videos have been viewed, studied, immitated and emulated by millions of musicians – yet nobody even comes close. If you watch the video at the end, below, you’ll see some of the things you can do with just ONE of these apps… ENJOY:
* Immerse yourself in the wonders of a visual/audio experience like no other!
* SampleWiz inputs, outputs, generates, samples simultaneously
* MorphWiz is the second app to bear the Jordan Rudess name
* Tachyon – unique musical expressive power for iPad
* Aurora Sound Studio makes great music on your iPad
* Geo Synthesizer: all that is good in synth
…and more
03 iPad iApps for Musicians, Music Makers & Players Part 5
UGNN InfoManager news all about iPad, iPhone and Mac Apps …
iApps – Many musicians have taken the iPad seriously for their music, writing, jamming and gig performances. We’re ramping up for the heavy show season, trying to decide does our music toolkit need another iPad even? Wow! Here are more extraordinary iApps for the world of music – and YOUR musical experiences:
* The most powerful music creation studio designed exclusively for iPad
* Professional-grade audio and acoustic analysis apps – in ONE
* Insane FourTrack recording power for iPad / iPhone
* Synth studio from KORG. What else can we say?
* Want to rock Hendrix’s rig? Now you can!
* It’s a Book! It’s a Band! It’s a HIT
…and more
04 iPad iApps for Musicians, Music Makers & Players Part 4
iPad is becoming the de facto music iDevice for musicians and performers all over the world. YouTube is exploding with tutorials in 90 different languages on producing, mixing, modifying, and generating music on the iPad! Let’s take a look at some of the best iApps in the world of music:
* Play drums like a pro… record for gig use
* Your entire library of music and lyrics
* 500,000 high quality tabs with chords!
* Seriously? You can sing? YES
* Moog Music Filtatron
* ReBirth for iPad
…and more
05 Last chance summer games InfoManager
Summer is almost over and soon games time will be shorter and shorter! Here’s a little something for everyone across the board… get your games on!!!!
* Plush – The Puzzle Game Sure To Be A Sleeper Hit On iOS
* Disc Golf Scorekeeper for Frisbee Golf 2
* Violet 2000 Games Presents: Man-Chine
* Back in time for some Cave Bowling
* Will you survive? Survivor Z
* Buster Bash Pro… FREE
…and more!
06 InfoClick 1.1
Nisus Software has announced the release of InfoClick 1.1, a powerful e-mail search tool designed to guide you to the e-mails you’ve been trying to find.
07 DocScanner Pro for iOS: Free
Mobile application and software development company Haave Inc. has decided to show its appreciation to fans of their mobile applications has announced a promotion on DocScanner Pro. It is now available for free on the App Store for the upcoming week only.
08 Seven Apps To Manage Your Money
Business Insider has this article about apps for managing your money with iOS and Android.
09 Ask Different
This is part of the Apple section on It lets the community put forth suggestions for tips & tricks or hidden OS X features.
10 IDG: Crowdfunding: Clouds, Crowds, and Collaboration
You’ve had a great idea for a business, but you don’t have the money to get it off the ground. Would you consider crowdfunding? According to Rolling Stone, “Kickstarter funds the future”, but is it really good for innovation? What about enterprise? And just what risks are involved? This week, we look at crowdfunding with an exclusive interview with a start-up that used a Kickstarter campaign to find the ideal customers, a paper on outsourcing to the crowd for enterprise, and a report on the vulnerabilities to watch out for.
11 Security 101: Protecting Your Smartphones from the Bad Guys
While smartphones have allowed more business people to escape from behind their desks and computers, the devices have also created a host of new problems for corporate America. According to Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department, about 40 percent of the robberies*** in big cities involve the theft of smartphones.
12 How to sync your iPhone and iPad using iTunes
Now many or, perhaps, most of the typical MUG members probably don’t need to use advice like this. But think about it. Don’t you have some members that need help with what you might consider a basic part of the Apple/Mac/iOS world?
13 What’s with fake “free” apps???
UGN Infomanager reader Tom C, wrote to complain – it seems a couple of weeks ago we ran a piece on a new YouTube downloader/decoder. As it turns out, it was a limited-time demo as opposed to the full working version the rep had indicated – and it told Tom he’d have to pay up. Obviously this ain’t cool for Tom or UGNN, so we’re about finding a new decoding program that runs under Mountain Lion, is very low cost or free, and is easily available. Sorry, Tom, we’ll be more careful next time.
We always welcome your comments and suggestions…
14 App Developers: Flash Valet parks your car
Juan Rodriquez of Flash Valet discusses how smart phones and mobile broadband enable his company’s product, making valet parking even more convenient.
15 And finally, we say goodbye to “H”
DJ Walker-Morgan has announced the closing and final article in the H web site. He writes:
> Although The H has produced many widely read stories,
> it has not been possible to effectively monetise
> that traffic to produce a working business model.
To many developers and hackers, the H was a daily read. And, we send thanks to George H for sending this in.
16 Quotes: About Winning
I would rather lose in a cause that will some day win, than win in a cause that will some day lose.
–Woodrow Wilson
Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.
–Muhammad Ali
Remember, nobody wins unless everybody wins.
–Bruce Springsteen
…and have a great week!
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Currently working primarily with the Cowtown MUG of Ft. Worth but also works with the Apple Corp of Dallas and is a lifetime member of TUMS, the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society.
Fred has been active in UGs since 1986, first the AOL UG Forum, then the User Group Network. He spoke at the original AppleWorld in 1987, and served as Apple User Group Advisory Board Member for three years. He founded the User Group Academy and the Appleseeds Foundation
© 2013, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!