by Lynn Wegley, InfoManager, with co-editor Fred Showker
What’s Here:
01 RE: Bernie Sanders’ joke about Hillary’s e-mail
02 Ad Blockers: Real help for the most annoying – advertising
03 New WhereNotes App for Apple Watch Introduces Location-Based Notes
04 Today in History launches updates for iOS and Android
05 How do you clone your hard drive?
06 User Groups on Facebook 10/24/2015
07 Easy Spending – Personal Finance App
08 Turntable for Mac
09 Quotes: Roosevelt, Ustinov, Bueche
01 RE: Bernie Sanders’ joke about Hillary’s -mail
Last week’s InfoManager included a link to an article with the title: “Sanders is wrong – Clinton’s cybersecurity blunder is a real issue”
At least one InfoManager reader took offense at that inclusion. We though it would be educational to include our response
02 Ad Blockers: Real help for the most annoying thing in the world of technology – advertising!
In a number of studies and surveys, Internet users list online advertising as their top dislike. One survey by a few years back asked: “You know your Web site sucks if… ” and the number ONE way to tell if a Web site sucks is if there’s advertising. Because bandwidth is so precious in the mobile world, developers are waking up to this and beginning to realize how truly horrible online advertising really is.
** Blockr – Privacy, Media and Ad Blocker for Safari
** 1Blocker – Block ads, tracking scripts, anything
** Weblock – AdBlock for apps and Web sites
** True AdBlock for iOS is finally here!
** Freedom – Ad Blocker
** Clear Ad Blocker
03 New WhereNotes App for Apple Watch Introduces Location-Based Notes
Juicy Bits, maker of three App Store Best of the Year award winners and two Editors’ Choice apps, released WhereNotes for iPhone and Apple Watch. WhereNotes makes it easy for users to remember photos, text, and audio recordings for a specific location and quickly recall those items when they return. It’s like having a private notebook at each place they visit.
04 Today in History Launches updates for iOS and Android
Today in History, which launched in 2009, provides users with a visual and text time capsule of what transpired on any particular day in history – everything from fascinating facts, to interesting tidbits, to strange-but-true trivia, and more. In total, Today in History’s database has over 150,000 historical facts, and more are added regularly by Downshift LLC staff.
05 How do you clone your hard drive?
I just came across a 2007 article on cloning your Mac hard drive. The author dutifully mentions SuperDuper and Carbon Copy Cloner, both of which I have recommended in the past.
06 User Groups on Facebook 10/24/2015
Here is some more great content items posted by user group members on Facebook! If you’re not already with us, please feel free to jump in…
** MacKeeper buyers ask for refunds in droves following lawsuit
** Handy iPhone tip
** Now we know why IT support hate Macs
** New Apple TV arriving next week
It’s a good idea if you log into your Facebook account prior to reading this article.
07 Easy Spending – Personal Finance App
Tekton Technologies has announced the release and availability of Easy Spending Expense Tracker 4.6, a major update to their comprehensive and easy-to-use money tracker for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices.
08 Turntable for Mac
Longtime independent developer Andrew Kaz has announced the release of Turntable for Mac OS X, a new kind of Music Player. Turntable revolutionizes the music player software interface. Rather than “computer linear” like iTunes, Turntable is fully visual, full-on immersive – It features nothing but Albums, Album Art, and Artists.
09 Quotes: Roosevelt, Ustinov, Bueche
I think that somehow we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.
– Eleanor Roosevelt
The point of living and of being an optimist is to be foolish enough to believe the best is yet to come.
– Peter Ustinov
They may forget what you said, they may forget what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
– Carl W. Bueche
…and have a great week!
Remember, I invite all user groups to use this column in full or in pieces in your newsletters. Or add a link to your Web sites.
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A weekly column from the mice of Lynn Wegley and Fred Showker.
Lynn is a UGN veteran (AOL User Groups Forum) and User Group Network. He’s been a supporter and volunteer on many, many UGNet and User Group Academy projects. As a long-time user group member, he’s been a volunteer from Honolulu to Boston and beyond.
Lynn is currently working to rebuilding the Tulsa Users of Macintosh Society (TUMS) and also is a member of the Apple Corps of Dallas. An active participate on several MUG Facebook pages as well.
Fred has been a user group guy since 1986, through the AOL UG Forum days, then out onto the Web. Fred started and developed the User Group Network as a parallel organization to the Mug News Service, then continued through the founding of the Association of Apple Computer Users and Groups, and continues today at
© 2015, All Rights Reserved. Affiliate User Groups are granted permission to reprint the InfoManager column or excerpts thereof so long as proper credit is given, and a clearly-stated Web URL link to:
Thanks for reading! We’ll leave the modem on for ya!