Oh no! Not another election notice ??!!
Our National elections are indeed over, and we now will be free to watch the “Sit-n-Sleep” commercials comforted in the knowledge that they are the most obnoxious ads we will be seeing on TV… at least for a few months… However, in just a few weeks your San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group will be conducting its own elections for the Board of Directors. Fear not, we won’t be inundating your e-mailbox with volumes of campaign messages. Just this one:
The terms of the seven of us who currently serve as your Board of Directors are about to expire. We need more of you to join us if we are to continue. We need your advice, your ideas, your enthusiasm, your energy, your inspirations, and your help so that we can continue creating and presenting the monthly meetings you have come to value and enjoy.
We on the Board all are volunteers, and as difficult as it may seem to believe, like you have lives outside of our Macs, iPhones, and iPads. But we also are dedicated to presenting to the SGVMUG meetings that help you get the most value from your electronic servants. If you share that passion, and want to help us maintain the quality of our meetings, please let us know; just contact any of us on the Board. It’s not too late to place your name (or that of someone else – with their permission, of course) into the list of nominees.
At our November 19th meeting, we will be closing the nominations for the Board of Directors. The election will be conducted at the December 17th meeting.
We look forward to seeing you there… and hearing from you beforehand.
Best Regards,
Ron Streicher, President
San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group