Since its inception in the mid-1980s, the San Gabriel Valley Macintosh Users Group has operated on an informal basis, without any official structure or legal status. While this has served us fairly well for the past two decades, the Board of Directors has decided that it is time to take the Group to another level by incorporating as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The immediate benefits are: 1) we will be able to solicit and accept tax-deductible donations from individual and/or business sponsors; 2) we will be a legal entity, able to enter into agreements or contracts as appropriate; and 3) the individual members of the Board of Directors will be relieved of any potential for personal liability relating to the operations or activities of the Group.
As a prelude to the formal process of incorporation, the Group will be holding its Annual Business Meeting on December 15th, during which we will elect a new Board of Directors and approve the SGVMUG Bylaws. Details of the nomination and election process can be found in my previous message on the website (It’s Election Season … September 30th, 2008).
At the October 20th General Meeting, Al Richardson was named chair of the Nominations Committee, assisted by Bud Keville and Billy Chang. The Call for Nominations for the Board of Directors will remain open until the end of the November 17th General Meeting. Any member may nominate him/herself or another member. All nominations must be confirmed by an agreement in writing (via e-mail) from the nominee that he/she is willing to be nominated and to serve the full two-year term if elected; complete contact information and a brief biographical statement (maximum 200 words) also are required from each nominee. Nominations and supporting documentation should be sent to the Nominations Committee using the following link: All e-mail nominations must be received no later than Noon on Monday, November 17th.
Following the November meeting, the final roster of nominees will be posted onto the website and sent via e-mail to the voting membership.
The proposed revised Bylaws document also is available on the SGVMUG website for your review. It can be found by clicking on the following link: SGVMUG Bylaws.
This is your Group. We need your participation to be successful. Please consider placing your name in nomination for the Board. Then be sure to come to the December 15th meeting and vote.
With best regards,
Ron Streicher, President SGVMUG